Courses and Requirements: HSPop MPH

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  6. Courses and Requirements: HSPop MPH

The UW Health Systems and Population Health Master of Public Health (MPH) program offers exceptional instruction in research methods, health care systems, health economics, health promotion, and the social determinants of health.

Degree Requirements

All students admitted to the Health Systems and Population Health MPH program are required to earn a minimum of 63 credits.


While all students need to complete the core courses, the program provides three concentrations with their own additional required courses.

  • Generalist
  • Health Systems and Policy
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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Core Courses

All HSPop MPH students must complete the following courses.

UW School of Public Health (SPH) Core Curriculum

Health Systems and Population Health MPH students are required to complete all of the following courses.

PHI 511: Foundations of Public Health
Autumn Quarter | 3 Credits

PHI 512: Analytic Skills for Public Health I
Autumn Quarter | 7 Credits

PHI 513: Analytic Skills for Public Health II
Winter Quarter | 3 Credits

PHI 514: Determinants of Health
Winter Quarter | 3 Credits

PHI 515: Implementing Public Health Interventions
Spring Quarter | 4 Credits

PHI 516: Public Health Practice
Spring Quarter | 3 Credits

Program Seminar

Health Systems and Population Health MPH students are required to take two quarters of program seminar (offered autumn and spring). Clinical fellows are required to take the seminar specifically designated for clinicians.

HSERV 592: Program Seminar

Practicum Course

Health Systems and Population Health MPH students are required to complete a practicum.

The practicum is a planned, supervised, and evaluated field-based experience (a minimum of 160-hour work) under the guidance of a site supervisor and a faculty adviser within a public health organization. The practicum provides students an opportunity to apply the disciplinary knowledge, methods, and values they learned in the MPH classroom to a professional, public or private public health environment such as nonprofit organizations, hospitals, local or state health departments, or for-profit firms. 

HSERV 595: Practicum

Learn More about the MPH Practicum

Thesis or Capstone

Health Systems and Population Health MPH students are required to complete a thesis OR capstone.

HSERV 700: Thesis | HSERV 599: Capstone Project

Learn about thesis and capstone

Concentration Courses

Sample Course Schedule

Below is a suggested schedule of required courses in the Health Systems and Population Health MPH program. Adjustments can be made based on elective courses, concentration choices, and/or suggestions from your advisor.

Listed courses are for all students unless noted they are for a concentration.