Hybrid Format: Executive MHA

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  6. Hybrid Format: Executive MHA

UW Executive Master of Health Administration (MHA) courses are taught in a flexible hybrid (HyFlex) format that allows students to choose in-person or online attendance for live classes taught by the same instructor at the same time. Students have the flexibility to choose whether you want to participate remotely or attend classes in person at our Bellevue facility.

Our Bellevue classrooms are equipped with HyFlex technology that allows for synchronous remote participation via a live-session virtual meeting platform. Each course has a HyFlex facilitator who assists with any technology issues or concerns, ensuring an equitable experience for remote and in-person students.

Flexible Hybrid (HyFlex) Benefits

There are many benefits of the flexible hybrid (HyFlex) online format.

  • Choose the learning modality that works best for your circumstances in real time.
  • Balance coursework with shifting professional and personal obligations.
  • Connect with health care professionals across the greater Seattle area, Puget Sound region, and the U.S.

Program Format and Schedule

2 Years / Hybrid-Flexible (Online and In-Person)

Students can earn a Master of Health Administration degree in 2 years (eight consecutive quarters). A few highly recommended in-person sessions are held at our classroom location in Bellevue, Washington, however for most of the program, students have the flexibility to attend in-person or remotely.

Monthly HyFlex Classes (Synchronous Online and In-Person)

Friday – Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST

Monthly class sessions (once per month/three times per quarter) are delivered in a flexible hybrid (HyFlex) online format taught both face-to-face and synchronously online by the same instructor at the same time. Students can choose to attend in-person or online for each class session. Each course has a HyFlex facilitator available who can assist with any technology issues or concerns, including ensuring an equitable experience for remote and in-person students.

Weekly Webinars (Synchronous Online)

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. PST

In addition to attending the monthly flexible hybrid (HyFlex) classes, EMHA students participate in weekly webinars throughout each quarter.

In-Person Events

For people who live in the region, we strongly encourage you to attend in person the following program activities.


In-person attendance helps facilitate a smooth start to the program and gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with other students and faculty.

Capstone Presentations

In-person attendance gives you the opportunity to present your capstone project and celebrate the completion of the Executive MHA program together.