Practicum and Capstone: COPHP MPH

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  6. Practicum and Capstone: COPHP MPH

The practicum and capstone projects are the experiential learning components of the program. These fieldwork opportunities allow students to apply what they’ve learned in the MPH classroom to significant, hands-on work in a local health organization or agency.

“In the COPHP MPH program, we often worked hand in hand with communities to tackle issues ranging from traffic signal timing to health care coverage for people who are incarcerated. This on-the-ground experience illustrated the multifaceted nature of public health and health care.”

— Amber Bronnum
Senior Portfolio Manager, Portfolio Health,
Providence Health Services

Practicum Project

First Year | 160 Hours | 3 Quarters (Autumn, Winter, Spring)

Practicum projects occur during the first year in the COPHP MPH, last three quarters and have a 160 hour requirement. Students gain transferrable skills while they work with a community partner to produce a deliverable that addresses a specific public health question or problem.

Deliverables are intended to be immediately incorporated into the site’s programming, so projects have an action-focus and do not live in theory. During autumn quarter, students rank and are matched with projects specifically curated by our practicum director. Each student has an identified site supervisor and faculty advisor for their project. Site work begins winter quarter and continues until the end of spring quarter. Students average six hours a week at a public health-related organization until 160 hours are completed.

Many students choose to do their practicum projects with Public Health – Seattle & King County. Students may also pursue opportunities with other public health non-profit and community agencies in the Puget Sound area, such as Urban Indian Health Institute, Seattle HIV/AIDS Planning Council, and Planned Parenthood.

Additional Practicum Info

Completed Practicum Project Examples

Geographic TB Case Assignment Evaluation

Partnering Organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County Tuberculosis (TB) Program

This project assesses how well the current TB case assignment system is functioning. Activities include conducting interviews with key staff members to understand current assignment system, developing a quantitative assessment tool to evaluate the system, performing basic data analysis, and conducting informant interviews with staff and patients to assess satisfaction. The student will compile a report on how well the current geographic case assignment system is working and recommendations for improvement.

Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH)

Partnering Organization: Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH)

REACH is a CDC-funded research demonstration project to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes care and prevention through education and self-management classes, support groups, diabetes registry enhancement, community events and other activities. Students will attend meetings, conduct interviews, review data and conduct content analysis, conduct content analysis and literature reviews, and assist with media and policy development and presentations. Activities will culminate in reports on interviews and data analysis, policy statements and briefing papers, and a systems change report.

Drowning Prevention

Partnering Organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Violence and Injury Prevention Program/Prevention Division

This project involves working with Children’s Hospital and other members of the statewide and Seattle-King County Drowning Prevention Coalition. Student will survey local building departments and determine how many have adopted the model national code to protect children visiting or residing in private home situations that have pools or spas. This work is likely to lead to legislative advocacy experience. It will also entail working on media and community education. Related to this is the need to do more work on drowning prevention in communities of color in King County. Student may gain experience in creating media releases, educational materials, and summary reports of community or key informant interviews or surveys.

Designated Driver Program Evaluation

Partnering Organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Violence and Injury Prevention Program/Prevention Division

Student will work on a newly received CDC grant on conducting and evaluating designated driver programs. Designated driver and safe ride home programs have never been proven to be effective and some evidence indicates they may actually contribute to harm because other members of the party actually drink more. Work will be concentrated in Pioneer Square, Belltown, and Fremont/U District. Student may gain experience in creating press releases, educational materials, and summary reports of community or key informant interviews or surveys.

Disparities in HIV Prevention and Care Literature Review, Report and Presentation

Partnering Organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County, HIV/AIDS Planning Council

The Seattle HIV/AIDS Planning Council is a 30-member volunteer body responsible for prioritizing and allocating prevention and care funding in King County. The student will research the existing literature on HIV health and education disparities by race, ethnicity, gender, economic background, etc. and put this information together in a way that will make it understandable to the Council’s Cultural Competency Committee. The student will then work with the committee to develop trainings on disparities for Council members, recommendations for caveats to address disparities, recommendations for local needs assessments base, presentation development, utilization of findings, development of materials, and a presentation of a compilation of HIV education and health disparity information.

Regional Plan for Nutrition and Health Education for Older Adults and Seniors in Rural Washington

Partnering Organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Healthy Eating/Healthy Aging Program

This project develops a plan for providing nutrition and health education services in specific regions in Washington state. The project involves needs assessment of existing services for seniors and older adults, exploring the structure of the local Area Agency on Aging in the region, looking at demographics of those we want to serve, exploring existing funding sources, logistics, staff, etc. The assessment will be used to propose a plan to regional agencies. Students will be engaged in research, interviewing, exploring existing sources of information, and writing a report, curriculum or recommendations.

More Examples


Second Year | 3 Quarters (Autumn, Winter, Spring)

The year-long capstone project typically begins in autumn quarter of the second year or the summer before. It allows students to apply their increasingly advanced public health skills in a community-based setting by creating a project from the ground up. Students partner with a site, identify a faculty advisor and site supervisor to ensure their deliverable is within the site’s scope and need.

This project does not have to be associated with the student’s practicum project, though some students choose to stay with the same project team. Students also have the agency to design their 360-hour capstone project to complement their specific career goals and individual interests.

Placement sites include schools, community centers, policy advocacy groups, food banks, and a variety of other kinds of organizations. The capstone often takes place at a site where students can develop relationships and expertise in a specialized area, with the benefit of also preparation for their job search.

As the culminating project, the capstone demonstrates students’ fully developed public health skills, such as the ability to perform data collection and analysis, program evaluation, and program development and implementation.

At the end of second year, students submit a deliverable to their partnering site or organization that addresses a specific public health question or problem. Students then present their projects at the COPHP Capstone Symposium, which is open to their preceptors, faculty advisors, community partners, families, and friends.

Completed Capstone Projects


Spanish-Speaking Patient Narratives in Care Transitions
Partner organization: UW Medicine
Each year, millions of patients transition to skilled nursing facilities after hospitalization. Poor communication during transitions increases risks of adverse events and disproportionately affects non-English speakers. This study aimed to highlight the experiences of Spanish speaking patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) during care transitions. This work will help fill the significant research gap regarding LEP patient narratives, as identified through literature reviews. The project centered on qualitative analysis of Spanish-speaking patient interviews, revealing the importance of communication in both positive and negative patient experience. Results highlight the critical need for facilitating clearer communication during care transitions.

Participatory Research in Compounding Intersectional Experiences
Partner organization: UW Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH)
The Participate CISD study is a multi-phase, mixed method research project that used a Community-Based Participatory Research approach. The purpose of this capstone was three-fold; to build community around Compounding Intersectional Experiences, to deepen intersectional praxis by centering empowered, diverse group identities over marginalization, and to lay the groundwork for researchers to expand their capacity to hold complexity of identity and experience within research. The implications of this work illustrate the importance of focusing on experience first, and demographic categories second. In so doing, the issues of isolation and racism that impact this community can be addressed at the systemic level.

“Bridging the Gap” with Improvements for Cancer Health Education Materials
Partner organization: Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Office of Community Outreach & Engagement (OCOE)

The OCOE works with community partners across Washington on education of various cancer types and other health issues. Community Health Educators (CHEs) and the rest of the team currently struggle to source materials that meet the diverse needs of their communities, as well as to create or update materials they already use for education efforts. Through a survey, series of group interviews, and assessment of currently used materials, this capstone projects attempts to highlight priority areas for cancer education materials, procedures for sourcing, creating, and organizing materials, and opportunities for further collaboration with partners to create plain language resources that help to “bridge the gap” between clinical and research settings and the communities they serve.

Bridging Intent and Impact: Homelessness Prevention Evaluation
Partner organization: Iraqi Community Center of Washington (IRCCW)
This project evaluates the Iraqi Community Center of Washington’s Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Initiative in King County. The IRCCW has expanded its focus to address the rising homelessness among Iraqi refugees and their families through the YFHPI, which provides temporary shelter and permanent housing solutions. Methods included qualitative interviews with case managers and clients, assessing impacts on financial and mental wellbeing, community engagement, and partnership effectiveness. Results indicate that the program effectively stabilizes families and enhances community integration. Key recommendations involve refining data collection methods, extending support durations, and improving community and legal support to enhance service delivery

Kitchen Table Doula Workshops
Partner organization: Aurora Commons & The People’s Harm Reduction Alliance

Kitchen Table Doula Workshops are peer-facilitated, community-based participatory gatherings where people with lived experience of drug use, pregnancy, parenting and survival sex work set the learning priorities and work together to develop the capacity to increase support, access and advocacy for perinatal care and harm reduction for people who are pregnant and parenting in their community. This collective space not only draws upon research knowledge but also lived experience, peer-mentorship, harm reduction strategies and knowledge sharing practices that are pinnacle to doula work and street-based harm reduction.

“I want to continue practicing in states where GAMC and abortion standards of care are allowed”: Influence of Healthcare Bans on Family Medicine Residents
Partner organization: WWAMI region Practice and Research Network (WPRN)

This study explores the intersection of two pressing issues in the WWAMI region: the workforce shortage in family medicine (FM) physicians, and the spread of policies limiting access to abortion and gender-affirming medical care (GAMC). Our findings indicate that FM resident physicians are, to varying degrees, aware of and influenced by the legislative environment related to abortion and GAMC when
considering their future practice location. As workforce shortages affect all patients, not just those seeking abortion services or GAMC, any policy that contributes to physician relocation should be carefully considered to avoid negative impacts to healthcare access across the state.

NAMI Chai & Chat: Culturally Sensitive Conversations on South Asian Mental Health
Partner organization: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington

Chai & Chat is a conversation series created by NAMI for South Asians to discuss mental health themes in their communities. This project was a soft launch of the initiative with NAMI Washington. A literature review and semi-structured interviews with key collaborators informed the creation of facilitation materials and community outreach activities for three web-based conversations. The series featured guided discussions and panelist Q&As focused on South Asian mental health. Learnings from design and implementation of this series and post conversation feedback revealed the need for earlier, more diverse outreach efforts and the importance of intentional collaboration with trusted community entities.

Indigenous Youth and their Connection to Water for Health and Well-Being
Partner organization: Seven Directions Indigenous Public Health Institute

This project challenges the status quo by decolonizing and Indigenizing the westernized concept – “Social Determinants of Health” by supporting the Indigenous Social Determinants of Health framework (ISDOH). The ISDOH recognizes the importance of water as a significant health determinant for Indigenous people’s health and well-being. This project secondarily analyzed qualitative data collected by Seven Directions from the 2023 Pacific Northwest Canoe Journey. This research set out to understand how Indigenous Youth conceptualize their connection to water for health and well-being. Results from the analysis are that water is a cultural protective factor for Indigenous youth’s health and well-being.

Youth Participatory Design of a Sexual Violence Prevention Intervention
Partner organization: WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Youth Centered Environmental Shi” Program (YES!)

This project developed youth led sexual violence (SV) prevention intervention recommendations for a middle school in Jefferson County. SV is a pressing public health concern that can have lasting negative health consequences for young people. This capstone utilized youth participatory action research methods to design SV prevention intervention recommendations. Over the course of twelve facilitated sessions, middle schoolers learned about the issues of sexual violence and school safety, youth led research, and qualitative research methods. Students then developed a photovoice project, which they presented to their school. Finally the students developed a list of intervention recommendations to make their school safer.

Spanish-speaking Promotoras Build Community Resilience: A Photovoice Project
Partner organization: UW Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH)

Centering Promotora voice to expand conceptualizations of community resilience is an anti-racism strategy that can transform public health practice. Over the course of four Spanish-language Photovoice sessions, a group of six Yakima county-based Promotoras took photos and wrote stories to reveal how their work contributes to building and sustaining community resilience. The resulting Photovoice stories amplify the experiences of the Promotoras and their communities, which often go unseen and unheard. Promotoras build community resilience by creating linkages between people, information, and resources. This fosters a sense of unity and belonging among communities that have been repeatedly othered and discriminated against.

“We Deserve…”: Exploring Community Needs and EMS Accountability for People Who Use Drugs
Partner organization: UW Research with Expert Advisors on Drug Use (READU) Team

This joint capstone project addressed the health inequities that impact people who use drugs (PWUD). With the guidance and support of the UW’s Research with Expert Advisors on Drug Use (READU) Team, the students met with community members, listened to their stories, and explored positive and negative experiences with EMS focusing on bias and discrimination across identity lines. Two deliverables were designed with this information meant to highlight the needs of the drug use community, addressing the rights that people deserve in relationship with drug use, and how EMS can hold accountable to these needs.

Fortifying Futures for Youth: Housing Focus
Partner organization: Allies in Healthier Systems for Health and Abundance in Youth (AHSHAY)

Exposure to the criminal legal system and experiences with homelessness among youth can result in a cycle of detention and homelessness that can persist into adulthood. For this project, interviews were conducted with youth serving providers in housing, outreach, and legal services to identify and understand the barriers and facilitators they encountered to meet youths’ needs. The project’s findings offer insights into how community organization providers navigate challenges and optimize support to address the housing and supportive needs of youth who have been involved in the criminal legal system and are experiencing homelessness.

Community Participatory Science Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Project
Partner organization: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Environmental Health Services Division

In response to the increasing frequency and severity of wildfire events and the disproportionate health impacts of wildfire smoke, this study examined the efficacy of low-cost sensors and portable air-cleaning interventions in characterizing and improving indoor air quality. Survey data on building characteristics and occupant perceptions and behaviors were combined with PM2.5 exposure data from both indoor air sensors and nearby outdoor sensors.

Cultural Preservation through Community-led Development in Little Saigon
Partner organization: Friends of Little Saigon

A new Vietnamese Cultural and Economic Center (VCEC) will be an anchor for the Little Saigon neighborhood, which has experienced rapid gentrification and cultural displacement. Through community engagement, this capstone project helped envision culturally relevant programming and ideas for creating a welcoming ambience. Methods included an online survey, interviews with small business owners, an interactive feedback board, and a World Café-style community meeting. Community members expressed interest in cultural celebrations, food-related events, and intergenerational opportunities in a space that represents the Vietnamese diaspora. Designing the VCEC for community cohesion will increase feelings of belonging, place attachment, cultural connection, and well-being.

Developing an Evaluation Strategy for AIMS Center Implementation Projects
Partner organization: UW Advancing Integrated Mental Health Solutions (AIMS) Center

The AIMS Center is dedicated to improving patient outcomes by promoting Collaborative Care (CoCM) and evaluating and enhancing their performance in supporting CoCM implementation. Practice coaching and clinical training are key implementation activities. To support the AIMS Center in regularly assessing and improving, this Capstone is focused on a gap analysis of how CoCM coaching and training are evaluated. Current and desired states were established through a staff survey, interview, and focus group. Recommendations to reach the desired state – grouped into Health Equity, Evaluation Practices, and Feedback Review – were informed by data analysis coupled with literature and document review.

Planning an Evaluation for a Middle School Substance Use Curriculum
Partner organization: The Washington Poison Center

This Capstone is a relay project, continuing the work of a prior COPHP student who collaborated with WAPC to develop a middle school substance use harm reduction and prevention curriculum, in response to a need voiced by educators. Before implementation, the curriculum necessitated an evaluation plan. Through interviews with educators, behavioral health specialists, and youth across the state, this project gathered feedback on the content of the curriculum and desired outcomes of the curriculum, to inform the evaluation plan. Using this information, as well as considering best practices of harm reduction curriculum evaluation, Rachel developed an evaluation plan and recommendations on updating, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum, considering educators’ and communities’ needs.

Lessons Learned from an Evaluation of School Based Interventions to Address Chronic Absenteeism
Partner organization: Seattle Public Schools

This project evaluated the implementation of several interventions to address school absences at a public elementary school in Seattle. They reviewed school documents and policies, interviewed administrators and staff, surveyed all enrolled families, analyzed school attendance data, developed a workflow map of attendance procedures, and implemented interventions to support students with chronic absenteeism. They explored the public health implications of the school’s attendance interventions, and provided the school with recommendations to sustain or improve current practices.


Coming soon!


Capstone Title: A Needs Assessment to Strengthen Washington Poison Center and School-Based Health Providers’ Relationship Regarding Adolescent Intentional Suicide and Self-Harm
Public Health Areas: Youth Mental Health, Suicide
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Poison Center
Populations: Adolescents, School-Based Health Care Providers

Capstone Title: Protecting Hanford Workers’ Rights to Health: A Systematic Review on the Effects of Tank Farm Chemical Vapor Exposures on Workers’ Health
Public Health Areas: Exposure, Environmental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Hanford Challenge
Populations: Hanford Workers

Capstone Title: Evaluating Factors that Contribute to American Indian Men’s Health in the Strong Men, Strong Communities Research Study
Public Health Areas: Native Health, Resilience
Partner Organization or Setting: Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health (IREACH) & Washington State University
Populations: Indian Men

Capstone Title: Reducing Food Insecurity Among Community Health Center Patients in White Center: A mixed-methods process evaluation of Sea Mar’s universal food insecurity screening pilot program in partnership with Public Health Seattle-King County
Public Health Areas: Food Justice
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health Seattle – King County and Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Populations: Food-insecure communities

Capstone Title: Shifting School Culture to Protect Students from Sexual Violence: Participatory design of a teacher training guide
Public Health Areas: Sexual Violence, Student Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Populations: Adolescents, Teachers

Capstone Title: Making classroom and community connections with Glendale Forest Park: Assessing student perceptions of health, connection to nature, and understanding of classroom learning with Washington Trails Association and Rainier Prep Middle School
Public Health Areas: Environmental Health, Built Environment
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Trails Association
Populations: Adolescent Students

Capstone Title: Strengthening Community in the Wake of COVID-19 at Neighborcare Health’s Youth Clinic
Public Health Areas: Homelessness
Partner Organization or Setting: Neighborcare Health’s Youth Clinic
Populations: Unhoused Youth

Capstone Title: A Youth-led Participatory Codesign of a Black Mental Health & Healing Justice Peer Support Program
Public Health Areas: Anti-Black Racism, Mental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective)
Populations: Black Adolescents

Capstone Title: Providing Free Tax Preparation Through Health Centers in King County: A Feasibility Assessment
Public Health Areas: Income Inequality
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Populations: Low-income Adults

Capstone Title: An Opportunity to Rebuild Washington State’s Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program: Pursuing Community-Oriented Solutions through the 2022 Legislative Session and Beyond for Prevention, Cessation, and Education Efforts in Washington State
Public Health Areas: Tobacco Policy
Partner Organization or Setting: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Populations: Washington Residents

Capstone Title: Community Integration and Chronic Homelessness: A Community Needs Assessment for Residents of Station Place
Public Health Areas: Homelessness, Housing
Partner Organization or Setting: Housing Hope
Populations: Low-income, Formerly Unhoused

Capstone Title: Partner Priorities in Furthering Universal Newborn and Early Childhood Hearing Screening Efforts in Kenya
Public Health Areas: Global Health, Child Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Toward Universal Newborn and Early Childhood Hearing Screening in Kenya
Populations: Newborns

Capstone Title: Identifying Barriers to Behavioral Health Access in Pierce and King County Schools
Public Health Areas: Youth Mental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Puget Sound Educational Service District
Populations: Pierce County Students

Capstone Title: Evaluating Washington State Food Bank Policies: A review and comparative analysis on how policies within traditional and grassroots food distribution organizations impact BIPOC communities’ access and utilization of services
Public Health Areas: Food Justice, Food Insecurity, Racism
Partner Organization or Setting: Northwest Harvest
Populations: Food Bank Clients

Capstone Title: Promoting Equity in K-12 Schools to Reduce Toxic Stress in Youth
Public Health Areas: Toxic Stress, Youth Mental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Puget Sound Educational Service District
Populations: Puget Sound Students

Capstone Title: Cancer Care Resource Mapping for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations in King County
Public Health Areas: Native Health, GIS
Partner Organization or Setting: Fred Hutch Office of Community Outreach and Engagement
Populations: Indigenous Peoples

Capstone Title: Tacoma-Pierce County Equity Assessment Framework: Multiculturalism Lens
Public Health Areas: Health Equity
Partner Organization or Setting: Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
Populations: Pierce County Residents

Capstone Title: Assessing the Assets, Needs, and Resources that Influence Children’s Health and Well-Being in Rural Montana and Idaho
Public Health Areas: Rural Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Children’s Hospital Community Health & Benefit Team
Populations: Children and Families

Capstone Title: A Needs Assessment to Optimize Comprehensive Race and Ethnicity Data Collection, Tracking, and Centralization Across Child and Family Health Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital
Public Health Areas: Data Equity
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Children’s Center for Diversity and Health Equity
Populations: Children and Youth

Capstone Title: Developing novel assessment methods for a residential treatment program for youth with neurodevelopmental or behavioral health challenges – Phase I
Public Health Areas: Mental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Ryther
Populations: Young Adults

Capstone Title: Identifying LGBTQ+ Student’s Perceptions of Protective Factors for Sexual Violence in Schools
Public Health Areas: LGBTQ+ Health, Sexual Violence
Partner Organization or Setting: UW Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
Populations: LGBTQ+ Youth

Capstone Title: Community Health Workers in Pediatric Primary Care
Public Health Areas: Child and Family Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Populations: Youth and Families

Capstone Title: Implementing an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) texting platform to improve patient navigation efficiency at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
Public Health Areas: Latinx Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Populations: Adults in Primary Care

Capstone Title: Child Death Review Across the Country: What Options Does Washington State Have to Reestablish its Review System?
Public Health Areas: Public Health Systems
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Washington State

Capstone Title: Assessing and Redesigning At-Home Colorectal Cancer Screening Program at Neighborcare Health
Public Health Areas: Cancer Prevention
Partner Organization or Setting: Neighborcare Health, Seattle
Populations: Adults in Primary Care

Capstone Title: Understanding Holistic Equity for Cannabis in Washington
Public Health Areas: Cannabis
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Department of Health
Populations: Washington Residents

Capstone Title: Native Hawaiian Traditional Practices to Enhance Health and Well-being
Public Health Areas: Indigenous Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Populations: Native Hawaiians


Capstone Title: Addressing Lead in School Drinking Water: Community-Oriented Public Health Policy in Washington State
Public Health Areas: Environmental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders (INND)
Populations: School-aged children in Washington State

Capstone Title: Barriers to Accessing Social Security Disability for People Experiencing Homelessness in Seattle
Public Health Areas: Social safety net policy, disabilities, and homelessness
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Housing and Resource Effort (SHARE) and Nickelsville
Populations: People experiencing homelessness

Capstone Title: Haskins Community Assessment of Life Events and Difficulties of Khmer Youth and Elders During COVID-19
Public Health Areas: Community Health, Health Equity
Partner Organization or Setting: Khmer Community of Seattle King County
Populations: Khmer and Cambodian Communities

Capstone Title: Hops Mutual Aid in the Era of COVID-19
Public Health Areas: Basic Needs, Community Organizing
Partner Organization or Setting: University of Washington-Bothell
Populations: Mutual Aid Network Organizers

Capstone Title: Self-Advocacy and Leadership Among LGBTQ+ Youth: Exploring Potential for Q Card at Gay City
Public Health Areas: Population Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Q Card Project
Populations: LGBTQ+ youth

Capstone Title: Are UWPD processes actively rooted in antiracist principles? A Preliminary Evaluation and Analysis of UWPD (University of Washington Police Department) Communications of Criminal Incidents
Public Health Areas: Policing, Process evaluation, Anti-racism
Partner Organization or Setting: University of Washington
Populations: UW and larger community

Capstone Title: How We Faced A Pandemic: Amplifying COVID-19 Asian Pacific American (APA) Narratives of King County, WA
Public Health Areas: Population Health; Community Engagement
Partner Organization or Setting: Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience
Populations: APA identifying community members in King County, WA and visitors of the Wing Luke Museum exhibit

Capstone Title: COVID-19 Crowdfunding Data in Washington State (WA)
Public Health Areas: Health equity, access to fiscal supports in crises
Partner Organization or Setting: University of Washington-Bothell
Populations: WA state crowdfunding campaigners

Capstone Title: COVID-19 Response Review: Oral History and Intra-Action Review of Public Health – Seattle & King County’s COVID-19 Response
Public Health Areas: Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Seattle, King County

Capstone Title: Honoring homeless deaths with Women in Black vigils in Seattle: Why do people participate and what does it accomplish?
Public Health Areas: Health equity, community mobilization, homelessness
Partner Organization or Setting: Women’s Housing Equality and Enhancement League (WHEEL)
Populations: People experiencing homelessness

Capstone Title: Queering Public Health at the University of Washington
Public Health Areas: Education, Community Engagement
Partner Organization or Setting: UW School of Public Health Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Populations: LGBTQ2S communities

Capstone Title: Searching and mapping vacant property for the SHARE organization’s various needs to provide shelter
Public Health Areas: Homelessness, Housing and access to shelter, Population Health
Partner Organization or Setting: SHARE (Seattle Housing and Resource Effort)
Populations: People experiencing homelessness/ housing instability

Capstone Title: Prioritizing Wellness: Creating Health & Wellness Modules for Childcare Providers enrolled in the PLAY Study
Public Health Areas: Population health, access to resources, health education
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Populations: Childcare providers, low wage workers

Capstone Title: A qualitative exploration of the opportunities in Tacoma for BIPOC to learn and engage with environmental justice
Public Health Areas: Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Community Engagement
Partner Organization or Setting: Tacoma Roots: Environmental Justice Forum
Populations: BIPOC communities in Tacoma

Capstone Title: Developing a Problem-Based E-Learning Course to Build Public Health Capacity
Public Health Areas: Education, Population Health
Partner Organization or Setting: UW Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
Populations: Rural Departments of Health and Rural Communities in WA, OR, ID, and AK

Capstone Title: Barriers to Transportation and Well-being in King County: An Exploration of How Subsidized Public Transportation Could Eliminate Barriers to Transportation and Increase Opportunities for Improved Well-being
Public Health Areas: Health equity, Social Determinants of Health
Partner Organization or Setting: King County Metro
Populations: People experiencing barriers to transportation

Capstone Title: Building an Implementation Toolkit for the University of Washington Autism Center (UWAC) On-Time Autism Intervention (OTAI) Project
Public Health Areas: Education, Community Engagement
Partner Organization or Setting: University of Washington Autism Center, On-Time Autism Intervention
Populations: Families within Part C IDEA in King County

Capstone Title: Building the Legislative Foundation to Teach Public Health in High Schools
Public Health Areas: Policy, Health education
Partner Organization or Setting: Office of State Representative Gerry Pollet, 46th District
Populations: School-aged children in Washington State


Capstone Title: The TGNC Card: A Community-based Implementation Study of an Innovative Tool to Improve Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adolescents’ Experiences in Healthcare
Public Health Areas: Healthcare Access, Minority Health, Youth Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Q Card
Populations: Trans and nonbinary youth

Capstone Title: Influence of religious beliefs and practices on late-stage breast cancer presentation in Ondo State, Nigeria
Public Health Areas: Cancer Prevention, Community Sensitization and Outreach, Global Health Systems
Partner Organization or Setting: Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria (BRECAN)
Populations: Women and Faith Leaders in Ondo State, Nigeria

Capstone Title: Introducing Unmanned Aerial Systems for Tuberculosis Sample Transportation in Mozambique: A Community Sensitization Strategy
Public Health Areas: Global health and community engagement
Partner Organization or Setting: VillageReach
Populations: Communities with limited access to tuberculosis laboratory services

Capstone Title: Mapping Mental Health Services and Treatments Available to Somali Refugees in Nairobi through the International Organization for Migration
Public Health Areas: Mental Health, Migration Health
Partner Organization or Setting: International Organization for Migration (IOM), UN-Agency
Populations: Refugees

Capstone Title: Wildfire Smoke Resilience and Well-being: Creating a Toolkit for the Methow Valley Community
Public Health Areas: Environmental health, Climate change and health
Partner Organization or Setting: Methow Valley Citizens Council
Populations: Rural Eastern Washington community

Capstone Title: Conducting a Community Health Assessment to Inform the Planning of a School-Based Health Center at Lowell Elementary School
Public Health Areas: School Health, Education and Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Capitol Hill Housing-EcoDistrict
Populations: K-12 youth and their families

Capstone Title: Preparing PCAP: Helping a Local NGO Adapt to Integrated Managed Care
Public Health Areas: Health System Navigation
Partner Organization or Setting: Parent-Child Assistance Program, Clallam County
Populations: Pregnant people experiencing substance use disorder

Capstone Title: Process and Outcome Evaluation of American Lung Association’s Master Home Environmentalist (MHE) Program
Public Health Areas: Asthma and allergy in children and families
Partner Organization or Setting: American Lung Association in Washington
Populations: Children and families

Capstone Title: Connecting the Dots to Address Lead in Washington State K-12 Drinking Water: History, Science, Ethics and Legislation
Public Health Areas: Risk communication, equity, public policy
Partner Organization or Setting: Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders (INND)
Populations: Washington State youth attending K12 schools

Capstone Title: Exploring the Intersection of Climate, Migration and Health: The Experience of Mekong Delta Migrants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Public Health Areas: Environmental health, Climate Change and Health, Migration
Partner Organization or Setting: Southern Institute of Social Sciences
Populations: Migrants in Ho Chi Minh City

Capstone Title: Helping Them Quit: Development of a Webpage Wireframe for Providers to Assist in Adolescent Nicotine Vapor Product Cessation
Public Health Areas: Nicotine Vapor Product Cessation
Partner Organization or Setting: Prevention Works in Seattle (WINS) Coalition
Populations: Direct-Service Providers to Adolescents in King County

Capstone Title: Bright Futures
Public Health Areas: Child mental health, International Development
Partner Organization or Setting: Sanyu Babies’ Home
Populations: Ugandan Children and foreign national volunteers traveling to Uganda

Capstone Title: Sugary Beverage Tax – Health Equity Workgroup
Public Health Areas: Public Health Policy
Partner Organization or Setting: Healthy Food America
Populations: Health Equity Advocates

Capstone Title: Latino Youth Knowledge of HPV and HPV Vaccination in Washington State
Public Health Areas: Cancer Prevention, Minority Health, Youth Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Fred Hutch Office of Community Outreach and Engagement
Populations: Latino adolescents

Capstone Title: Tending to Strong Communities: A Social Network Analysis of Indigenous Plant Educators in the Pacific Northwest
Public Health Areas: Environmental health
Partner Organization or Setting: Urban Indian Health Institute
Populations: American Indians/ Alaska Natives

Capstone Title: Human Trafficking Screening in Family Planning Clinics: Screening Tool Recommendations, Implementation Best Practices, and Clinic Staff Training Manual
Public Health Areas: Human trafficking
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County Family Planning Program
Populations: Those who experience human trafficking and seek family planning services

Capstone Title: Identifying Innovative Tobacco Prevention Policy Recommendations for King County to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities
Public Health Areas: Tobacco prevention policies
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Tobacco users in King County

Capstone Title: Gendered (In)Justice: Leveraging Equity & Social Justice in the Washington State Supreme Court Gender & Justice Commission Gender Bias Study
Public Health Areas: Disparities in the State Court System
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington State Supreme Court Gender & Justice Commission
Populations: Washington State judiciary and other legal professionals

Capstone Title: Building a Community-Based Program Implementation Toolkit for the Ethiopian Community in Seattle
Public Health Areas: Immigrant Health, Mental Health
Partner Organization or Setting: Ethiopian Community in Seattle
Populations: Immigrants

Capstone Title: Restore, Reinvest, Renew: Equity Frameworks in States with Legal Marijuana Markets
Public Health Areas: Drug policy and criminal justice reform
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Communities disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs

Capstone Title: Engaging Men for Health in Uganda: Will boys just be boys?
Public Health Areas: Gender and health
Partner Organization or Setting: Straight Talk Foundation
Populations: Ugandan people (living in Uganda)

Capstone Title: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Developing a Clearinghouse of Climate and Health Trainings for Public Health Practitioners
Public Health Areas: Environmental health, Climate change and health
Partner Organization or Setting: Office of Environmental Public Health Sciences Washington State Department of Health
Populations: Public health workforce

Capstone Title: Achieve Meaningful Involvement: Designing the Activity Plan for Moms-targeted Institutional Control Strategy with Community Health Advocates of the Fun to Catch, Toxic to Eat Program
Public Health Areas: Environmental Health, Environmental Injustice, Health Promotion
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Communities which fish, eat, and receive the seafood from the Duwamish River (especially pregnant moms and caregiver of young children)


Capstone Title: Advocates Matter in Duration of Homelessness and Quality of Life
Public Health Areas: Homelessness
Partner Organization or Setting: SHARE (Seattle Housing and Resource Equity)
Populations: Persons experiencing homelessness

Capstone Title: Evaluating Racial Health Disparities in HIV Care to Inform Provider Training in Anti-Racist Community Health Practice
Public Health Areas: Anti-Racism, Social Justice
Partner Organization or Setting: Bailey-Boushay House (BBH)
Populations: Staff members of BaileyBoushay House (BBH)

Capstone Title: Peninsula Community Health Services Mental Health Assessment
Public Health Areas: Mental Health Assessment
Partner Organization or Setting: Peninsula Community Health Services (PCHS)
Populations: Adult patients at PCHS in Kitsap County

Capstone Title: Implementing Medicaid Buy-In in New Mexico
Public Health Areas: Health Insurance
Partner Organization or Setting: Health Action New Mexico
Populations: Policy makers and community members who qualify

Capstone Title: For the Hope of our Children: Planning and Implementation of a Positive Parenting Program with the Ethiopian Community in Seattle
Public Health Areas: Parenting Education
Partner Organization or Setting: Ethiopian Community in Seattle (ECS)
Populations: Community and ECS members

Capstone Title: Bringing Food Home: The Implementation and Evaluation Design for a Mobile Food Pantry and Related Programming at a Low-Income Housing Community
Public Health Areas: Food Insecurity
Partner Organization or Setting: Food Lifeline, Seattle King County Public Health
Populations: King County Residents, Mercy Housing Appian Way Apartments

Capstone Title: Nuestra Comunidad: A Qualitative Study Exploring Safety and the Social Cost of Naturalization in the Yakima Valley
Public Health Areas: Health Implications of Naturalization
Partner Organization or Setting: Las Casa Hogar
Populations: Latinx communities in Yakima Valley

Capstone Title: An Implementation Evaluation of Refugee Northwest’s Asylum Assistance Program’s Electronic Records System
Public Health Areas: Information and Operations Flow Analysis
Partner Organization or Setting: Refugees Northwest (RNW)
Populations: Employees of RNW programs

Capstone Title: Post Tobacco 21: Re-evaluating Youth Possession, Use and Purchase Penalties
Public Health Areas: Health Equity Policy Analysis
Partner Organization or Setting: Health King County Coalition (HKCC)
Populations: Washington state minors

Capstone Title: Exploring the Impact of Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use redevelopments in Building Community Cohesion in the Yesler Terrace Site
Public Health Areas: Building Community
Partner Organization or Setting: Yesler Terrace Development
Populations: Yesler Terrace Residents and Neighborhood

Capstone Title: Expanding an Implementing the Washington Poison Center Older Adult Medication Management Program
Public Health Areas: Medication Management
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Poison Center
Populations: Caregivers and Older Adults

Capstone Title: REST Training Day Evaluation
Public Health Areas: Sex Trafficking Training Tool
Partner Organization or Setting: REST
Populations: REST Team Members and Partners

Capstone Title: Malloneé Washington Statewide Community Needs Assessment
Public Health Areas: Poisoning Prevention
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Poison Center
Populations: Washington Residents

Capstone Title: REACH/EMS Pilot Study Design
Public Health Areas: Health Inequities
Partner Organization or Setting: Public Health – Seattle & King County
Populations: Social Service Providers from REACH

Capstone Title: Human Resources for Health in Conflict Settings: A Cross Sectional Study of Employment Status and Location of Physician Graduates from Democratic Republic of Congo Medical Schools 2007-2018
Public Health Areas: Employment Rates of Physicians
Partner Organization or Setting: Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR)
Populations: Health Organizations within Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR)

Capstone Title: Deportation, Return Migration and Mental Health: An Evaluation of Osztros Dreams en Acción (ODA)
Public Health Areas: Deportation and Return Migration
Partner Organization or Setting: Otros Deams en Acción
Populations: Deportees/Retur nees in México

Capstone Title: CPR in a Box: Creating a Hands-Only Adult CPR Education Kit
Public Health Areas: CPR Education
Partner Organization or Setting: King County
Populations: Emergency Responders

Capstone Title: Racial Justice-Oriented Grantmaking: A Community Driven Improvement Plan for Seattle’s Equitable Development Initiative Fund
Public Health Areas: Racial Displacement
Partner Organization or Setting: City of Seattle Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) Fund
Populations: City of Seattle Community Organizations

Capstone Title: Building Northwest Abortion Access Fund’s (NWAAF) Capacity to Support Trans, Non-Binary and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Clients
Public Health Areas: Barriers to Abortion Access
Partner Organization or Setting: Northwest Abortion Access Fund (NWAAF)
Populations: TGNC Folx

Capstone Title: Community Passageways: Evaluating and Refining Community Led Youth Felony Diversion Programming
Public Health Areas: Juvenile Justice Systems
Partner Organization or Setting: Community Passageways
Populations: Youths in Juvenile Justice System

Capstone Title: Global Monitoring of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Development and Analysis of an Indicator Framework and Application to World Health Organization Country Fact Sheets
Public Health Areas: Sexual and Reproduction Health
Partner Organization or Setting: World Health Organization
Populations: Country Health Researchers and Policy Makers

Capstone Title: Let’s talk Cannabis A Capacity Building Training for Influential Adults
Public Health Areas: Cannabis Education
Partner Organization or Setting: Washington Poison Center (WAPC)
Populations: WAPC Trainers

Capstone Title: Evaluation of Drug and Alcohol Discipline Processes and Practices in Seattle Public High Schools
Public Health Areas: Students Disciplinary Action
Partner Organization or Setting: Seattle Public Schools
Populations: Seattle Public School Administrators and Staff

Capstone Title: Measuring and Assessing Equitable Participation in King Country’s Balanced You Workplace Wellness Program
Public Health Areas: Workplace Wellness
Partner Organization or Setting: King County’s “The Balanced You” Workplace Wellness Program
Populations: King County Employees

Capstone Title: Development of eLearning Training Modules – Contraceptive Counseling and Client-Centered Care for Providers & Introduction to Comprehensive Sexual Education for Parents
Public Health Areas:Sex Education
Partner Organization or Setting: Cardea Services
Populations: Parents and Healthcare Providers

Capstone Title: The Power in Our Stories: Centering Health Equity in Electoral Campaigns
Public Health Areas: Health Equity
Partner Organization or Setting: Amplify
Populations: Public Officials, Political Candidates in King County