If you still have questions about the UW COPHP MPH program after reviewing our website and attending an information session, please contact us to schedule an advising appointment.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Prospective Student Inquiries
Considering our COPHP MPH program and have a question? Please fill out an interest form, and one of our team members will be in contact soon!
Interest FormMeet the Team
Our team is here to help answer any additional questions you have about the program. Submit general inquiries via email (uwcophp@uw.edu).
Meet the TeamSubscribe to our e-newsletter
Thinking about applying to the UW Community-Oriented Public Health Practice Master of Public Health (COPHP MPH) program? Sign up for email updates about upcoming application deadlines, information meetings, and more.
General Contact Information and Visits
Address and Maps
Meet with a Faculty Member
Sit in on a Class
Information Session Schedule
We highly recommend prospective UW Community-Oriented Public Health Practice Master of Public Health (COPHP MPH) applicants attend one of our monthly information sessions on Zoom, which includes time for questions at the end.
For many applicants, this virtual information session is the most efficient way to learn details about the program’s curriculum, problem-based learning pedagogy, classroom format, fieldwork, and admissions processes.
Registration is required for information sessions.