Program Experience: Online MPH

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  5. Program Experience: Online MPH

The UW Online Master of Public Health (MPH) program trains the next generation of public health leaders. The program is designed for professionals who are looking for a high-quality MPH degree program with a convenient, mostly online format.

Our cutting-edge curriculum is adapted to meet the changing needs of students, employers, and the public health field. Students build a solid foundation in the disciplinary competencies of biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, health management and policy, and social and behavioral health. At the same time, they develop skills in program development and evaluation, health promotion and education, evidence-based research, and global health.

The curriculum teaches the core public health competencies using a team-based learning approach that fosters collaboration among students from a variety of professional disciplines. Guided by faculty, students often work in groups to grapple with current public health problems.

In the second half of the program, students complete an applied practicum experience in the community and a final project in the Integrated Learning course.

Online MPH at a Glance

Duration2-3 years:
Full-time (7 quarters)
Part-time (9 quarters)
FormatMostly Online
LocationOnline and Seattle, WA
Credit and Courses63 credits

Program Format

The Online MPH program offers two track options to complete the program in two to three years:

  • Full-time track (seven continuous quarters)
  • Part-time track (nine continuous quarters)

Classes meet mostly online, supplemented by three in-person sessions in Seattle (only one required). In the second half of the program, students complete a hands-on experience through a practicum in the community.

Weekly Webinars

During the online portion of the program, students complete coursework largely on their own schedule. Students are required to attend weekly webinars.

  • Spring Cohort Webinars: Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. PST
  • Autumn Cohort Webinars: Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. PST

Three In-Person Sessions | One Required

The in-person sessions provide students an opportunity to network with peers, interact with world-class faculty, and strengthen leadership, presentation, and communication skills.

The first in-person session is required; the second and third are optional.

The first session is held at the start of the entry quarter before classes begin and includes program orientation, team-building sessions, introductions to faculty and courses, anti-racism trainings, public health seminars, and a practitioner panel.

The second session is cross-cohort and always held in the autumn quarter, typically either after the first six months or the first year of the program. The time together includes professional development workshops and meetings with facilitators and faculty.

The third session at the end of the program is a celebratory graduation reception.

Sample Project Management Course

Take a glimpse into the UW Online MPH learning with our sample project management course.