HSPop M.S. Thesis

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  6. HSPop M.S. Thesis

UW Health Systems and Population Health Master of Science (HSPop M.S.) students write a thesis as their culminating experience. The thesis is original research that generates new knowledge using rigorous methods appropriate to the research questions, while also applying concepts and methods from one or more branches of science relevant to public health. The student thesis is presented in a scholarly format and demonstrates the student’s comprehensive knowledge of the substantive area of the study and the research methods used.

The thesis also provides an opportunity for students to integrate and apply the concepts and methods learned in coursework.

Health Systems, Population Health, and Health Services Research

Within the UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health, several academic programs focus on and require research about health systems, population health, and/or health services.

What are health systems?

Health systems are all the public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to the delivery of essential public health and health care services. Health systems include health departments, clinics, hospitals, and insurance companies.

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What is population health?

Population health examines the health of defined populations, rather than individuals. Population health acknowledges the impact of surroundings and social determinants. Public health practitioners use data to create interventions that improve population health and well-being. However, some major determinants of health, such as education and income, historically fell outside of the traditional public health scope. Population health brings together knowledge from many disciplines — such as the health sciences, social sciences, public policy, law, business, education, and so forth — to address factors that influence health.

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What is health services research?

Health services research, broadly defined, encompasses research into the social determinants of population health as well as research into cost, quality, and policy aspects of the provision of medical services, prevention, and health education.

  • Health services research is the process of generating new knowledge and understanding through development of new theory and empirical evidence, as well as the original synthesis of existing theory and evidence. Our general focus areas include delivery, financing, management, and organization of health services
  • Social and economic factors that contribute to population health and health disparities
  • Health promotion, prevention, and health education

Health services research is instrumental in advancing population health and improving policy, management, and practice within the health services domain.